Monday 20 October 2008

Dead, Solid and Brittle

Here are three interesting sentences:

(1) He was dead.
(2) The water was frozen solid.
(3) Her bones were brittle.

Each of the words denoted by italic script is used in an adjectival sense. Two of the words (dead and solid) have corresponding verbs to describe the related process; that is, 'to die' describes the process of passing from a live state into that of being dead. Similarly, 'to solidify' refers to the process of becoming solid (from a liquid or gaseous state). However, there does not appear to be a corresponding verb to describe the process of becoming brittle? As there seems to not be a verb 'to brittlify', it is necessary to introduce a verbal phrase 'to become brittle' - as in the expression 'her bones became brittle'. Very interesting!

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